Hammad Haseeb

love marriage important or arranged marriage

Marriage is a very important social institution. Every individual wants to have a perfect match, but the criteria for choosing the partner is different. In love marriages, individuals prefer to choose their partners on their own, while in case of arrange marriages individuals prefers partners chosen by their family or parents. There is a continuous debate regarding the best way to choose the partner for marriage. Let’s analyze which one of the two is better.
-Arrange Marriage is not a contract between two individuals alone but a confluence of two families.
-Two families involved in arrange marriages know each other very well and are compatible with each other.
-Because there are more people involved in arrange marriage, the conflict between the couple will be effectively resolved or mitigated.
-Couple is guided by parents experience whereas in love marriage couple is unknown about the future complexities in life and lacks this experience.
 Both individuals know each other already and mutually decide to spend the whole life with each other.
-Couple is responsible for its choice and onus of the blame in future lies on the couple only and nobody else.
-Couple is aware of each other’s likes and dislikes. Therefore they will get along well.
love marriage important or arranged marriage love marriage important or arranged marriage Reviewed by Unknown on 1:15:00 AM Rating: 5

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